One of Indonesia's product brands, Madoo Bee, proudly and enthusiastically participated in the Tajammu' and Healthy Walk 100 Years of Gontor event in the Monas area, Central Jakarta, Sunday (22/10). This momentum is an important part of promoting a healthy lifestyle and physical activity, according to Madoo Bee's tagline, #SahabatSehatKeluargaIndonesia.
Madoo bee, known as a high-quality honey product with a blend of Lemon and Single Garlic, was provided free of charge as a source of energy and nutrition for thousands of attendees. This product is an ideal choice as it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support the immune system and provide natural strength.
“We are very excited to participate in the Tajammu' event and the Gontor 100 Years Healthy Walk. This is an opportunity for us to connect directly with the community, spread the word about the benefits of Madoo Bee, and support healthy lifestyles,” said Madoo Bee CEO, Badri Furqon.
Get involved with MadooBee Indonesia
MadooBee Indonesia, a healthy lifestyle brand, participates in
participated in the 100th anniversary of Gontor. This participation carries
theme #SahabatSeahKeluargaIndonesia. MadooBee, known for its
quality herbs, committed to supporting the health of Indonesian families.
MadooBee: Health from Nature for Your Family
MadooBee presents a product that combines the goodness of
nature, including pure honey, a single garlic, and lemon. Here are some
manfaat Suplemen Kesehatan Berkualitas untuk kesehatan:
With the spirit of #SahabatSehatKeluargaIndonesia, Gontor and
MadooBee is committed to continuing to fight for health and peace in
homeland. Let's celebrate 100 years of Gontor together and stay healthy.
Indonesian families!
For more information about MadooBee, you can contact MinBee directly.
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