Madu Lemon Asli

The Shine Muscat Wine Scandal: Issues and Handling

The Shine Muscat Wine Scandal: Issues and Responses Shine Muscat grapes from China are in the spotlight in several countries, including Thailand and Malaysia, due to findings of pesticide residues that exceed safe limits. This news has shocked consumers and the government in Indonesia into taking further action. Pesticide Residue Findings...

Findings of Pesticide Residues

Laboratory testing by the Thai Pesticide Alert Network (Thai-PAN) and the Thai Consumer Council (TCC) showed that 23 out of 24 samples of Shine Muscat wine contained pesticide residues that exceeded safe limits. These pesticides included chlorpyrifos, an insecticide banned in Thailand, as well as 14 other types of chemical residues.

Consumer and Government Reactions

Consumers such as Rosita, a housewife in Jakarta, expressed concern over this finding, even though the grapes are a big hit with her family. On the other hand, the Indonesian government, through the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) and the Indonesian Quarantine Agency, is conducting further investigations to ensure the safety of Shine Muscat wine in the market.

Handling Measures

BPOM plans to conduct sampling from various shops and markets in Indonesia to ensure that there are no excessive pesticide residues on Shine Muscat grapes sold here. In addition, BPOM will coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture to follow up on the circulation of the grapes.


While these pesticide residue findings are surprising, it is important for consumers to remain cautious and monitor the latest information from food authorities. The government is also expected to immediately take necessary actions to protect consumers and maintain food safety.


On Key

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