Madu Lemon Asli

Single Garlic: Health Benefits and Properties

Single Garlic: Health Benefits and Properties Single garlic, also known as lanang onion, is a type of garlic that consists of only one clove. Despite its smaller size compared to regular garlic, mono-garlic has a higher content of active compounds and tremendous health benefits.

Nutrient Content of Single Garlic

Single garlic contains various essential nutrients such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, niacin, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. In addition, it is also rich in sulfur compounds such as allicin, which has various health properties1.

Benefits of Sole Garlic

  1. As Antioxidants Single garlic contains the compound allicin which functions as an antioxidant. These antioxidants help protect the body's cells from free radical damage, which can lead to various chronic diseases.1.
  2. Protecting Liver Function Research shows that a single garlic extract can help protect the liver from damage. These onions help improve bile flow and reduce fatty liver, thus maintaining overall liver health1.
  3. Inhibits Bacterial Infections Single garlic has strong antibacterial properties. The allicin compound in onions is effective in inhibiting the growth of various types of bacteria, so it can help prevent infections.1.
  4. Lowering Cholesterol Eating single garlic regularly can help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels and increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels. This is important for maintaining heart health and preventing cardiovascular disease1.
  5. Boosts the Immune System Single garlic is also known to boost the immune system. Its nutritional content helps the body fight infections and diseases more effectively1.

How to consume single garlic

To get the maximum benefits from a single garlic, you can consume it in a variety of ways:

  • Immediate Consumption: Eat a single, raw clove of garlic every day.
  • Mix it into your meals: Add single garlic to a variety of dishes to enhance their flavor and health benefits.
  • Extracts or Supplements: If you don't like the raw flavor, you can take a single garlic extract or supplement available in the market.


Single garlic is one of the natural ingredients that has many health benefits. By consuming it regularly, you can help maintain the overall health of your body. Feel free to add singular garlic to your daily diet to reap its benefits.


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